Thursday, February 28, 2008

oh where does the time go???

Between school, Paul, my family, Sigma Alpha, I hardly have time to knit anymore. Tuesday I took a day off (after class ofcourse) and knitted my life away. sort of. With so many babies coming soon in the family...the count continues...7 now...I feel like it's raining babies. And Paul is so patient with all the yarn that's everywhere in the house. The last few babies aren't due until September so I have some more time, but a couple I haven't even started on. Plus, it's so difficult on a tight budget and one right after another. (December, March, May, June (2), September (2)!!! ahhh!! babies EVERYWHERE! good thing I like those little things that come out of my head through my needles into something amazing! (plus, everyone loves them!!) Anyways, I'll post pictures of the wonderful baby stuff I've been knitting eventually!
Much Love!